Getting here
Means of transportPublic transport
Somme & Seine-Maritime transport network mapsHow to get to our region?
Check routes, timetables and practical information!Somme
Travel in the Triplet Towns
By bus
Take the bus to travel in the triplet towns.
Coach company: L’Oiseau Bleu
3 Villes Soeurs route: Le Tréport – Mers-les-Bains – Eu
Little Tourist Train
The Tourist Train makes regular trips (tour with commentary) around the town of Le Tréport, from Easter to the end of October. On certain days and at specific times, it also serves the towns of Eu and Mers-les-Bains. (Enquire at the tourist offices or ask the train driver!)
Travel in the region
Towards Criel-sur-Mer
Bus timetables to and from Criel-sur-Mer.
Coach company: Cars Denis
Route 68: Dieppe – Le Tréport – Eu (PDF)
Towards Ault
Bus timetables to and from Ault.
Coach company: Trans’80
Route 702: Mers-les-Bains – Friville Escarbotin – Abbeville
Route 706: Mers-les-Bains – Cayeux-sur-Mer – Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme – Abbeville
Mme BOE: +33 (0)6 08 66 76 76
Didier Taxi: +33 (0)6 10 83 59 95
M. NOUREUX: +33 (0)6 70 29 38 51
M. VADECARD: +33 (0)6 80 98 46 44
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"Je suis sans voiture" (brochure)
Dès la descente du train, Le Tréport s’offre à vous… Pour bien commencer la journée, n’hésitez pas à prendre une navette !